Consistency measurements developing strongly

Within automation and measurement industry, consistency measurement is not a major issue, compared e.g. to temperature, pressure, flow and many other measurements areas, which have millions of applications in every field of industry.
At the same time consistency measurement is not an easy area, but the fact that consistency measurements concentrate only on pulp and paper industry, has been an advantage for the automation industry of the Nordic Countries. The market size is limited and not interesting enough for the biggest automation manufacturers, but large enough for smaller players concentrating on pulp and paper. Nevertheless consistency transmitter manufacturing is a valid business: no doubt there is a suitable size market niche and at the same time local pulp and paper industry has got benefits by improved processes.

About Us

The Company Enginstrel Engematic was founded on January 17, 1973 and since then has come revolutionizing the instrumentation industry.

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  (15) 3228-3686

   RUA PILAR DO SUL, 43 à 63
       SOROCABA, SP.