IP Converter - 621 IP Level C

Enginstrel's electronic I/P converter design incorporates the technological advances in microelectronics to control pneumatic variables.

Through this, we can provide an instrument with precision and stability far beyond those normally found in conventional converters.

This instrument is designed to convert an electrical signal into a pressure value within a standardized range.

This new generation of electronic converters has a sophisticated electronic feedback system that uses a high-tech piezoresistive sensor as a basis. With this it is possible to obtain an output with high precision, great immunity to vibration and noise, and an efficient and practical calibration process.

About Us

The Company Enginstrel Engematic was founded on January 17, 1973 and since then has come revolutionizing the instrumentation industry.

Products and Services

We have a wide range ofproducts bringing the best solutions on the market.

We have a specialized team to provide services with quality and speed.

Contact Us

  Email: enginstrel@engematic.com.br

  (15) 3228-3686

   RUA PILAR DO SUL, 43 à 63
       SOROCABA, SP.