Pressure Transmitter 640 Series

The Enginstrel Engematic 640 series gauge, differential, absolute, and level pressure transmitter is a two-wire transmitter that receives the pressure signal and converts it into a 4 to 20mAcc electronic signal, proportional to the pressure signal.

The transmitter uses a fully sealed capacitive sensor, which eliminates mechanical stress transfer and consequently problems with vibration and shock. Damping of the input signals is done electronically, as well as "Zero" and "Span" adjustment. The interconnecting terminals and separate circuits ensure that the electronics remain isolated even during installation.

  • Robust, lightweight, vibration-resistant construction
  • Easy maintenance
  • Maximum range 0-7000~40000kPa
  • Compatible with any two-wire system
  • Stainless steel body
  • Accuracy + 0.075%.
  • Damping: electronic adjustment
  • Open loop system
  • Time and explosion proof enclosure
  • Zero and Span Adjustment

TANK INSTALLATION (Sugar & Ethanol Plant)
  • Installation: DORNA
  • Local access or via Hart Protocole / Profibus PA

About Us

The Company Enginstrel Engematic was founded on January 17, 1973 and since then has come revolutionizing the instrumentation industry.

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  (15) 3228-3686

   RUA PILAR DO SUL, 43 à 63
       SOROCABA, SP.